

SuperClick is a CLAP click track generator plugin for CLAP hosts including REAPER. I’m building this to generate signals for devices such as the Peterson Body Beat Pulse Solo. This project is at the “proof of concept” stage: it generates an audible click in time with the song etc.

Note that this plugin has only been tested thoroughly(ish) on Windows running under REAPER. I am keen to see how it fares on other platforms and in other hosts.

Making a strong case for being the world’s ugliest plugin…

SuperClick UI

Install plugin

  1. Download archive from GitHub
  2. Verify the SHA256 checksum against the contents of the corresponding .sha256sum file
  3. Extract the SuperClick.clap file from the archive
  4. Move SuperClick.clap to a directory on your DAW’s CLAP plugin search path

Running inside REAPER

  1. Start REAPER
  2. Go to Options | Preferences…
  3. Go to Plug-ins | LV2/CLAP
  4. Add the path to your CLAP plugin directory to the list of directories under CLAP plug-in paths (can be multiple paths separated by semicolons)
  5. Click Re-scan | Re-scan CLAP paths for new/modified plug-ins
  6. Double-click in the track panel to create a new, empty track
  7. Click on the FX button and add an instance of CLAP: SuperClick (Richard Cook)

Running inside other DAWs

Any reasonable CLAP host application should be able to run this plugin.

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