- Evaluating the definition of an action doesn't cause the action to happen, rather it builds up a structure potentially combining other I/O actions that, conceptually at least, are performed outside the expression evaluation. See
Let's look at a more complicated example:
import System.IO
readInteger :: String -> Integer
readInteger = read
main :: IO ()
main = putStr "Enter x: "
>>= \_ -> hFlush stdout
>>= \_ -> getLine
>>= \xStr -> putStr "Enter y: "
>>= \_ -> hFlush stdout
>>= \_ -> getLine
>>= \yStr ->
let x = readInteger xStr
y = readInteger yStr
z = x + y
in putStrLn $ "z = " ++ show z
This program displays a prompt and reads in a line of input twice. It then converts each of the two lines into an Integer
, computes their sum and then writes the output to the terminal. This builds on what we've already seen. We've introduced the ++
operator, pronounced "append". This joins two lists together; String
is [Char]
, so this joins two strings together.
I told you that Haskell had clean, minimal syntax. You've seen nearly everything here. However, this does not look pleasant. Let's try to do something about that. First, let's reflow the code:
import System.IO
readInteger :: String -> Integer
readInteger = read
main :: IO ()
main =
putStr "Enter x: " >>= \_ ->
hFlush stdout >>= \_ ->
getLine >>= \xStr ->
putStr "Enter y: " >>= \_ ->
hFlush stdout >>= \_ ->
getLine >>= \yStr ->
let x = readInteger xStr
y = readInteger yStr
z = x + y
putStrLn $ "z = " ++ show z
That's marginally better. There's still a proliferation of >>=
operators and lambdas. What next? Let's take a look at another method provided by Monad
, namely >>
, pronounced "then". This is the second "monadic sequencing operator" with the following type signature:
λ> :t (>>)
(>>) :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
This is a simpler version of >>=
which can be used when the value returned by the previous action is to be ignored. In this program, we twice use putStr
followed by hFlush
and getLine
which both ignore the value yielded by the preceding action using _
. We can, therefore, rewrite the program as follows:
import System.IO
readInteger :: String -> Integer
readInteger = read
main :: IO ()
main =
putStr "Enter x: " >>
hFlush stdout >>
getLine >>= \xStr ->
putStr "Enter y: " >>
hFlush stdout >>
getLine >>= \yStr ->
let x = readInteger xStr
y = readInteger yStr
z = x + y
putStrLn $ "z = " ++ show z
That's another step in the right direction.
This code shape is so common, however, that Haskell introduces special syntax to make it even cleaner. This is known as do
-notation named after the do
-keyword used to introduce it.
do action1
This is transformed or desugared to:
action1 >>
do action2
And then to:
action1 >>
action2 >>
do action3
And, finally, to:
action1 >>
action2 >>
The second form that can be included in do
-notation includes a binding of the action's result to a name:
do x1 <- action1
x2 <- action2
action3 x1 x2
action1 >>= \x1 ->
do x2 <- action2
action3 x1 x2
action1 >>= \x1 ->
action2 >>= \x2 ->
do action3 x1 x2
action1 >>= \x1 ->
action2 >>= \x2 ->
action3 x1 x2
Furthermore, these two forms can be combined. With this new knowledge, we can rewrite our original program as follows:
import System.IO
readInteger :: String -> Integer
readInteger = read
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr "Enter x: "
hFlush stdout
xStr <- getLine
putStr "Enter y: "
hFlush stdout
yStr <- getLine
let x = readInteger xStr
y = readInteger yStr
z = x + y
putStrLn $ "z = " ++ show z
Inside do
-notation, Haskell also drops the in
from let-bindings.
What we have left is something that looks suspiciously like a regular, old "imperative" program but with fewer parentheses. Make no mistake, however: this is still program consisting of a main
function that is the evaluation of a single expression. This all comes down to the guarantees of referential transparency we get from pure functions. Though it looks like a series of statements, this program is desugared to a series of expressions employing the >>
and >>=
operators. In the case of IO
's implementation of these operators, we have functional dependencies between producers and consumers of IO
-wrapped values. These subexpressions are, therefore, guaranteed to not be reordered: the resulting code will execute in the expected order. Only subexpressions that do not have such functional dependencies will be amenable to interleaving since the reordering of such evaluation cannot be detected by external observers.