
Tempo mapping

Required dependencies

You are strongly encouraged to manage REAPER packages using ReaPack. This package requires the following REAPER packages or extensions:

This is a good set of shortcuts for navigation and creating markers during tempo mapping of a whole song:

Shortcut Description Type
{ Loop points: Set start point Default
} Loop points: Set end point Default
Tab Item navigation: Move cursor to next transient in items Default
Shift+Tab Item navigation: Move cursor to previous transient in items Default
[ Markers: Go to previous marker/project start Default
] Markers: Go to next marker/project end Default
Ctrl+Shift+[ Move edit cursor to start of current measure Custom
Ctrl+Shift+] Move edit cursor to start of next measure Custom
Ctrl+Shift+, Move edit cursor back one beat Custom
Ctrl+Shift+. Move edit cursor forward one beat Custom
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M Options: Toggle metronome Custom
Alt+Shift+0 Script: rcook_Mark_Measure.lua Custom
Alt+Shift+1 Script: rcook_Mark_Measure_1_4.lua Custom
Alt+Shift+2 Script: rcook_Mark_Measure_2_4.lua Custom
Alt+Shift+3 Script: rcook_Mark_Measure_3_4.lua Custom
Alt+Shift+4 Script: rcook_Mark_Measure_4_4.lua Custom
Alt+Shift+5 Script: rcook_Mark_Measure_5_4.lua Custom
Alt+Shift+6 Script: rcook_Mark_Measure_6_8.lua Custom

Default shortcuts are factory-default REAPER keyboard bindings. You’ll have to set up the Custom using the Actions window. The Custom shortcuts listed here are just my personal preferences.
